Vanilla Lifestyle is a stylish Blogger theme. It is designed to engage your audience with a clean, feminine and elegant layout. It is really easy to use and ideal for Blogger beginners or even for advanced users. Fully responsive, fits any size of display from lower to higher resolutions and supports all modern browsers. Vanilla Lifestyle gives you the power to customize your blog as you wish, in short time. The audience will be attracted by it�s creative and smart elements. The rest of functionality will ensure, that you get smart choice.
Viralisme Customize Elegant Optimized Blogger Template is a Personal and Magazine blogging theme. It is actually clean and an elegant blogger theme and possesses great customization for creating blog of viral in internet. It is a responsive theme optimized and mobile friendly too. This blogger theme is suitable for a wide range of blog for example personal blog, viral news, travel etc. It is displayed perfectly and clearly on any kind of devices. This theme has the following features: Responsive, SEO friendly, mobile friendly, Minimal, social sharing, Magazines, browser compatibility, clean layout, simple design, Ads Friendly, drop down menu and much more. LIVE DEMO DOWNLOAD Basic Instructions: How to install a Blogger template Author: Themeindie
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