Live Preview Free Download Purchase $ 7 One time Purchase - Full time support - Best way to thank us. No footer credits in both Free and Premium Versions. We won't force you too keep the credits but at least we wish you to thank us by keeping our credits. Don't worry this doesn't affect your blog. Personal Template Documentation Personal is a responsive free blogger template by ar-themes . 2 Columns could be used for personal blogs about trips, visits, adventures or personal notes. Support all browsers including IE, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari. Enhanced pages with special typographic style. SEO optimized and much more awesome features. 1. Header Logo + You logo uploaded should be 190px Width and 88px Height + Your description must be one small word just like "Ar-themes" + Don't forget to check on "Have description placed after the image" 2. Main Header Background + To edit Background from your template tab open Edit HTML +...